
DO NOT USE THIS FORM TO PAY YOUR TEMPLE DUES --- Please contact the Temple Office at (574) 234-4402.

This payment portal is intended primarily for non-members of Temple Beth-El to remember a loved one or to honor a special occasion with a charitable donation, or to pay for High Holiday contributions and attendance.

It is not intended for members to pay dues. For members, those payments are best completed by using your bank’s Bill Pay option or by sending a written check to the Temple Beth-El office, PO Box 8130, South Bend, IN 46660.

By using this portal, you agree to cover any transaction fees associated with your donation. If you prefer to avoid these fees, you can mail or drop off a check at the synagogue office.

Every act of tzedakah, no matter the size, reflects a sacred and enduring Jewish value that connects us to each other and the world beyond our synagogue. Your donation to Temple Beth-El today shows your commitment to the many lives intertwined with our community.

With your generous support, we can turn our hopes and plans for the future into reality. Thank you for your understanding and generosity!