The Sisterhood's main goal is to support the Temple in its religious, educational, charitable, and financial activities. Since 1905, it has worked hard to build strong friendships among its members.
Through our connection with Women of Reform Judaism, a global group of over 60,000 women in more than 600 Sisterhoods, we actively support Jewish and humanitarian efforts around the world. Sisterhood plays a vital role at our Temple, with representation on the Executive Board and various committees. We help fund our Religious School teachers' salaries and organize youth activities, including sending “We Care” packages to college students. Sisterhood women provide refreshments after each service and enhance holidays with family celebrations, dinners, and study lunches.
To strengthen our Jewish identity, we offer educational programs, discussion groups, and our annual Sisterhood Shabbat Service. We also engage in outreach activities. Sisterhood contributes to the Youth, Education, and Special Projects Fund of Women of Reform Judaism, Olin-Sang-Ruby Camp, GUCI Camp, the Jewish Braille Institute, and the World Union for Progressive Judaism. We manage several local funds through donations, including the Friend Caring Fund, Youth and College Student Fund, and L’Havdil, which helps Temple families in need, providing packages and visits to home-bound members. Additionally, Sisterhood maintains the Temple’s kitchen.
To support our budget, Sisterhood operates a Catering Service for B’nei Mitzvah, runs a Judaica Shop, sells flowers, and creates the Family Tree of Life. The Sisterhood of Temple Beth-El meets at least monthly for luncheons, dinners, business meetings, outings, and diverse programs, serving as an important community for all Women of Reform Judaism.