Shabbat Services

For Shabbat services we use Mishkan T’filah (the prayer book of the Union for Reform Judaism).  Shabbat services are usually in our small chapel, but when there is a Bar/Bat Mizvah, the Torah is read and the service is in our main sanctuary on Saturday morning.


If you are with us for Shabbat and would like to have a family member’s name whose yahrzeit falls in that week read aloud, please let Rabbi Companez know and she will include it with the recitation of Kaddish.


Friday – Erev Shabbat – 5:30 p.m.

Our evening Shabbat services in our small chapel on Friday usually begin at 5:30pm with lighting Shabbat candles and a bit of singing.  We use one of two Shabbat evening services in Mishkan T’filah and on most Fridays a formal D’var Torah (sermon) is given based on the week’s Torah portion.  Kaddish is recited followed by an Oneg Shabbat of light Shabbat refreshments.


Saturday – Shabbat morning – 10:30 a.m.

Saturday morning Shabbat services are usually informal.  We often sit around in a circle and rather than having a Torah service, we have a discussion arising from the weekly Torah portion.  Kaddish is recited followed by a Kiddush (light Shabbat refreshments).