Support Temple

Temple Beth-El relies on the financial generosity of its members to help meet its ongoing expenses and to secure its long-term financial stability. There are many different ways that you can help, ranging from small contributions in honor of a particular mitzvah or life cycle event, to larger endowment contributions or bequests. You can see a listing of Temple Beth-El Funds below. Please contact for additional information on making gifts to Temple.

In addition, there are several ways you can help Temple financially at no additional cost to you. Temple participates in numerous programs with local and internet retailers that provide Temple with a monetary donation each time you make a purchase (with no additonal cost to you). If you are making the purchase anyway, you might as well ensure that Temple receives a portion of what you spend. These programs include:



Amazon Associate Program

Temple receives 5% on most purchases you make,
provided you enter the site
by clicking on the above logo before making your purchase

Easy Gift Giving with DOLLAR$ AND $EN$E

Purchase gift cards from the Temple’s Dollars and Sense Program

Go to  click on retailer list for a complete list of available gift cards.

E-mail your order to and your order will be sent to you!!!!

Contact Lisa Gerber with questions.


Temple receives an average of 9% of the amount you spend
at a wide range of area restaurants, retailers, and supermarkets,
provided you purchase scrip or gift cards in advance

Shop at the Temple Beth-El Sisterhood Gift Shop

The Temple Giftshop is a volunteer-run shop sponsored by the Sisterhood.
Profits go to support the Religious School and various Sisterhood projects.
We carry many items for all your holiday needs and life cycle events.
The inventory of gifts, jewelry, books and cards for all occasions is always changing.
So stop in to see what is new!
Special orders are always welcome. If you don’t see it, we can order it!

Regular hours are Sundays during Religious School from 9:45 – 12:15; other times by appointment.

Sisterhood Gift Shop


GENERAL FUNDS                              MEMORIAL FUNDS                                                   
Temple Endowment Fund Sig Welber Chapel Fund
Temple Building Fund II Thomas H. Ries Memorial Fund
Temple Food Pantry Heppenheimer/Forgash Memorial Fund
Rabbinical Trust Fund Bette & Jordan Kapson Memorial Fund for the Sanctuary
Rosenfeld Communication Fund Rose Levy From Memorial Beautification Fund
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund LIBRARY, ART & ARTIFACT FUNDS                           
Sarah R. Coffman Archives & Libraries Fund
Sy & Ellie Morris Musical Enhancement Fund Mildred & David Glicksman Jewish Periodical Fund
Dorothy & Dr. Herbert Schiller Cantorial Music Fund Ruth & Richard Rymer Archives Fund
Kurt & Tessye Simon Cantorial Fund of Temple Beth-El Sydell & Ben Traub Library Fund
Dorothy K. Rosenwasser Arts & Artifacts Fund
Louise J. & Ira N. Anes Memorial Humanitarian Fund Fund for the Sifriyah (Children’s Library)
Janet B. & Bernard B. Berman Fine Arts Fund


Rhonda L. Hurwich Memorial Floral Fund Irvin & Minette Brown Israel Experience Fund
Sam & Rollo Hurwich Holy Day/Festival Fund Toby Cohn Scholarship Fund
Evelyn & Stanley Pollyea Spirituality Fund Charles S. Fizdale Memorial Faculty Fund
Samuel & Bea Tolmach Memorial Fund for Social Jusitce         Lauren Sue Levatin Arts and Crafts Fund
Robert Simon Memorial Leadership Fund Babette Maza Discretionary Educational Fund
Sherry & Don Medow Youth Activities Fund
L’Havdil (To Make A Difference) Dr. Jacob Sarnat Memorial Creative Education Fund
Braille Fund Rabbi Albert M. & Rose Shulman Religious School Fund
Youth/College Fund Kurt & Tessye Simon Scholarship Fund
Friend Caring Fund Mr. & Mrs. Larry Smith Campership Fund
World Union for Progressive Judaism The Posar Family Children’s Assistance Fund
Y.E.S. Fund of Women of Reform Judaism Hebrew School Assistance Fund


Simcha Plaques: A permanent way to celebrate happy occasions – min. $180 per plaque. 

Memorial Plaques: A permanent way to remember departed loved ones – $360 per plaque.

Remembrance Book: A way to remember departed loved ones at High Holy Days.

The Kurt and Tessye Simon Fund for Holocaust Remembrance
The Kurt and Tessye Simon Foundation

Donations to any of these funds may be sent to the Temple Office, or by credit card by clicking on this link Donations
Please include the full name and address of the party being acknowledged.